Friday, 22 August 2008

The Friday Letter - Learning from history

Only a quickie this week.
Learing from histroy...
In the 1930's a leader from one country went to another and came back with a signature on a piece of paper 'guarenteeing' peace in Europe. Then Hitler's troops invaded Poland and the 39-45 World War began... Does this ring any bells? Maybe Russia and Georgia? Didn't Russia sign a bit a paper saying they would leave Georgia, and they haven't. They are even suggesting that part of Georgia isn't part of Georgia. And thier reason for invading - to protect Russian passport holders... humm. I'm sure there are various groups of Russian passport holder around the world. I wounder, if the Americans rounded up and put in a camp would Russia would invade America to protect it's passort holders? Phew-ee. It would appear that Russia is paranoid. It also appears that Russia feels that it can say one thing to appese those making noises, and then go ahead and do something else.
This reminds me of another "leader" who time and again does this, Robert Mugabe. Is it a pre-requisit to be a criminal and a lier to rule a country in Africa? I heard today that in Zimbabwe inflation is at 11 million percent. Eleven million! Wow. I wonder how people can live, or even survive. Do people now barter for bread, milk, eggs, cane rat? Or do they nip down to the bank and draw a couple of million and hope to buy an egg before the price goes up? or is it a grain of rice, maize?
So, what do we learn from history? I would suggest that "the only thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history!"

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