Thursday 24 May 2007

Political Hypocrisy

Politicians wonder why no-one takes them seriously when they keep changing their minds for no apparent reason except for may be power, or financial gain. It stinks.
The government stated a little while back that nuclear energy was not the way ahead (Harriet Harman), yet now they say it is (Alistair Darling), when ALL the evidence says NO, not just environmental but also financial. I am seriously thinking of withholding some of may taxes because of the incompitence of this government.
When Margaret Thatcher stood down and John Major won the party election to become leader of the Conservative party, Gordon Brown said that there should be a general election because the country had voted for Mrs Thatcher to become PM as leader of the Conservative Party and not John Major. Now that Gordon Brown will become leader of New Labour is there going to be a general election like when John Major became PM..... I think you can guess the answer. Mr Browns answer when questioned about this was that you say different things when you're in opposition. Well, of course, now that he is on his way to number 10, he is not going to let anyone get in his way. And there's me thinking that they were elected to SERVE the people... silly me.

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